The Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) has welcomed the release of the Multicultural Framework Review, which has drawn significantly from the union’s submission to the review.

The union, which is the primary union representing Australian Public Service (APS) employees, emphasised the need for the APS to model inclusion for broader change to occur:

“Unless the decision-makers in the APS who influence policies, programs and service delivery genuinely reflect Australia’s cultural diversity at all levels, it will be difficult to properly deliver an effective multicultural agenda.” (CPSU Submission to the Multicultural Framework Review 2023, page 5)

The review picked up on this theme, acknowledging the importance of the APS in supporting, building and leading a positive and resilient Australia.

The review also identified the need for culturally and linguistically diverse strategies to have clear outcomes, be enforceable and properly funded. And supported the union’s calls for specific actions to be taken in areas such as setting clear targets, issuing APS Commissioner Directives on diversity, addressing workplace racism, and improving security clearance processes.

The CPSU looks forward to working with the Government and the APSC to create a fairer and more representative public service, so that it is well placed to support multicultural Australia.

Quotes attributable to Melissa Donnelly, CPSU National Secretary:

“The CPSU is pleased to see that this review has picked up on many of our recommendations.

“Our union has been a long-term advocate for a more representative APS - one that reflects our multicultural country and is well placed to deliver good outcomes for all Australians, regardless of their background.

“This review highlights just how important it is for the government to be a model employer, and for the public service to represent the people it is there to serve.

“There needs to be diversity amongst decision makers and all those who influence policies, programs and service delivery.

“Our submission to the Mutlicultural Framework Review drew on the knowledge and experience of our members and highlighted common themes identified across the APS. These included the impact of underrepresentation, the importance of Senior Executive Service leadership in shaping an agency’s culture, frustrations about the lack of career progression opportunities, and that culturally and linguistically diverse strategies need to have clear outcomes, be enforceable and properly funded.