CPSU members are leading the charge in June

In this update:

  • Fair Work Commission still assessing if Rate B passes the test for agreement approval
  • ABC staff finally get their much-needed pay rise
  • Safety review in Archives & Library work areas
  • Revised 5-Year Plan, Restructures and Redundancies
  • Camera Operators revisiting home-garaging decision with News management
  • Insiders/Offsiders consultation closes

For more information on the matters below, please contact your local CPSU Delegate, Organiser or email us

Fair Work Commission (FWC) assessing if Rate B payment passes the test for agreement approval

The FWC has asked your employer to provide more evidence to support their claims that ABC employees on Rate B will be better off than the ABC Award. After some delay, the requested information was provided to the Commissioner on Friday and is now being reviewed. Until a new agreement is approved, the current ABC Enterprise Agreement remains in place.

Happy Pay Rise

ABC staff received their first 4% pay increase (fully backdated to the first full pay period in October 2022) and the $1500 cash payment (pro-rata) in their pay packet last week. The next 4% pay increase is due October 2023, just three months away.

Archives & Library Safety Review

In welcome news, ABC management have agreed to conduct an immediate safety review in the ABC Archives & Library work areas. The review will be done by the WHS team directly with workers and comes in response to a safety dispute lodged by CPSU members last month. CPSU Briefings with members are happening this week and next. The safety issues are in addition to the ongoing concern that last year’s restructure is causing irreparable damage to the ABC Archive collections.

Revised 5-Year Plan signals major change and redundancy announcements

The CPSU anticipates major change and redundancy announcements may be announced as soon as this week, now that the 5-year plan has been published. The CPSU has liaised with ABC management to ensure the agreed 2020 process will be followed. Delegates have also participated in CPSU briefings so they can assist members when the announcements are made. Key advise for CPSU members:

  • If you are asked to attend a meeting with your manager, make sure the manager clearly identifies the purpose of the meeting prior to attending.
  • If the meeting is one-on-one and pertains to upcoming major change or potential redundancy notification, you can take a support person to the meeting with you.
  • CPSU members who are notified of potential redundancy can access immediate CPSU advise and support by calling 1300 137 636.

CPSU Camera Operators revisiting home-garaging decision with News management

CPSU members in Sydney and Melbourne are seeking a review of the recent News management decision to terminate home garaging for News vehicles. Since the change was introduced, members report that more work time is being spent traveling to and from jobs at the start of shifts (i.e., lost work time) and negative flow on effects on how much ABC footage is being shot during the day, and overtime budgets. Members will be meeting with News management shortly.

Insiders-Offsiders changes to be implemented

Consultation on proposed changes closed last week. Management will now move to implement the changes to Insiders and Offsiders.