Whilst the Fair Work Commission considers whether management’s Rate B proposal passes the Better Off Overall Test compared to the ABC Award, ABC staff will finally get their much-needed pay rise this week.  

Congratulations to everyone who made it happen by signing petitions, talking to your colleagues about the issues, asking people to join the union, circulating updates to the workplace, taking protected industrial action, writing emails, completing surveys, attending meetings, voting and most importantly, joining the union.

A special acknowledgement must also go to your CPSU Delegates who worked tirelessly, often under trying circumstances.

Notice something different in this week’s pay packet?

Thanks to all the hard work from union members and delegates, all ABC staff are receiving a significantly improved pay deal than the one management unsuccessfully took to an all staff vote last year.


Membership makes a difference

Official figures continue to show that union members earn 11% more than non-unionists on average, and that union members have greater access to leave, superannuation and other employment conditions. This is the difference that collective bargaining makes and the more employees that are members of the union, the stronger we are when we need to be.

The negotiations may be over, but the work is not. It is more important than ever to be a member of the CPSU. Ask a colleague to join today.

Some of the work that lies ahead includes enforcing the agreement, addressing Work Level Standards and tackling the growing workload and WHS issues in the ABC.

In unity,
Sinddy Ealy
ABC Section Secretary

Billy Bragg dropped in to support CPSU members taking protected industrial action