As you would be aware, the ABC’s Managing Director has announced a major restructure and flagged that up to 120 ABC staff may be leaving the organisation.

In total, 18 separate change proposals were recently announced and have been emailed to members.

I will be meeting up with the ABC management this week to work out a schedule for CPSU member consultation and the best way to group the consultation streams. Overlaps between Regional & Local, Entertainment & Specialist, and the newly formed Content and News Divisions have added a layer of complexity that we need to work through. Our priority is to ensure you have access to all relevant consultation and information, and that we provide you with the right advice and support.

The CPSU team will have more to report back on this later in the week. In the interim:

  1. If you have been identified for a potential redundancy, please know that you can contact the CPSU on 1300 137 636 for immediate advice or support. Industrial Officer are on-hand to take your call Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm AEST.
  2. Download a copy of the CPSU Guide of Major Change and Redundancy: This guide has been produced for CPSU members and steps out each stage of the consultation and change process. To access the document sign-in at  
  3. All 18 ABC change proposals have been emailed to members.