The CPSU has written to Comcare, the Commonwealth’s WHS Regulator, seeking their assistance with the WHS issues in Archives and Library.

The CPSU is concerned that despite raising the red flag on Archives and Library WHS issues on 6 April, many of those issues are still not resolved six months later.

We also note that content maker uptake of data descriptors - a significant contributor to the WHS problems in the area, is still nowhere near the level P&T management said it would during major change consultation last year.

Involving Comcare is a significant step and one that we hope will help shift the ABC management’s WHS culture to one that is more proactive and responsive to the needs of its workers.

Under Section 82 of the Work Health and Safety Act (WHS Act), a Comcare inspector has the authority to assist the parties to resolve health and safety issues, and to decide how the issues will be resolved. Mediation is generally the first step.

CPSU member meetings for Archives and Library members will be scheduled shortly. In the meantime, P&T members are welcome to contact me directly if you would like to know more.

A summary of the events leading to the CPSU’s decision to involve Comcare are included below for your reference.

ABC Archives & Library WHS

Steps taken by CPSU members to resolve the issues:

In the six months prior to April 2023 i.e., when P&T management were implementing the Archives and Library restructure and changes to workflows, many CPSU members raised various WHS concerns with the management to no avail.

6 April

CPSUwriteto P&T Management seeking a meeting to discuss WHS concerns in Archives & Library (A&L). No acknowledgement or response from management received.

20 April

CPSU write to management to follow up.

26 April

Management response diminishing concerns. No meeting offered. Further CPSU email sent seeking meeting.

10 May

Meeting with P&T managers and ABC People. Management cannot confirm if or what WHS risk management they have undertaken since the implementation of their restructure.

12 May

CPSU send courtesy email to P&T manager advising WHS issues to be escalated.

12 May

CPSU send Issues Resolution Notice to ABC’s WHS Director detailing actions required to resolve concerns and seeking a meeting.

25 May

CPSU and ABC parties meet. WHS commit to run consultation meetings with Archives and Library teams.

1 June

WHS management send letter to CPSU confirming they will run consultation meetings with Archives and Library teams.

8 June

CPSU makes second request for Archives and Library risk management and control measures details, and this time asks they are provided by 15 June.

22 June

WHS management provide requested information.


No updates or communication from ABC management on steps or work it is doing to resolve the issues.


No updates or communication from ABC management on steps or work it is doing to resolve the issues.

29 August

CPSU write to WHS management seeking an urgent update on issues resolution work done to date.

13 September

Management letter confirms 5 team consultation meetings held since our meeting in May - 11 Jul: CN Team, 13 Jul: QA Team, 19 Jul: ICCA Team, 17 Aug: CN Team, 18 Aug: CN Team. No other outcomes communicated.

19 September

CPSU seeks assistance of Comcare.